PLUGGY 5th Plenary Meeting in London

The 5th PLUGGY plenary meeting was held on 12 – 13 June 2018 in London, UK. The two-day project meeting was hosted by PLUGGY’s partner, the Imperial College of London, in the Dyson Building at South Kensington Campus.

20 colleagues representing all 9 partner organisations gathered to discuss project latest developments, brainstorm, exchange ideas and agree on next steps.

During the first day, an overall PLUGGY presentation was made focused on the successful completion of the project’s technical prototypes milestone while visual hands-on presentations and live mini demos of PLUGGY’s social platform for cultural heritage, authoring tool and pluggable apps followed.

At the second day, partners were participated in several internal workshops that helped them define PLUGGY’s social platform data model and architecture, the game app, expected to provide users with all the basic bricks to develop collaborative cultural heritage games as well as the PLUGGY App Challenge, the innovative contest, scheduled for early 2019 which will invite external developers to use PLUGGY’s sophisticated tools in order to develop their own apps.

The next project plenary meeting will take place in Athens in December 2018.


We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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