Posts Tagged "HorizonEU"

PLUGGY @ Euromed 2018

PLUGGY, along with other 16 EU projects related to cultural heritage, participated in the Cultural Informatics workshop on the 3rd of November 2018. The workshop took place during the International Conference on Digital Heritage Euromed 2018  that was held in Cyprus on 29th October-3rd November 2018.The aim of this workshop was to bring together projects, research groups, stakeholders, independent researchers and practitioners who are active in the broader area of cultural informatics in order to present the current state of affairs, discuss open challenges faced by each one and explore possible collaborations. Read More

PLUGGY 5th Plenary Meeting in London

The 5th PLUGGY plenary meeting was held on 12 – 13 June 2018 in London, UK. The two-day project meeting was hosted by PLUGGY’s partner, the Imperial College of London, in the Dyson Building at South Kensington Campus.
20 colleagues representing all 9 partner organisations gathered to discuss project latest developments, brainstorm, exchange ideas and agree on next steps.
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PLUGGY shares its Augmented Reality tools

In conjunction with the international Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, and the EU PLUGGY project, Imperial College and Royal College of Art are hosting a free co-design workshop for participants to co-create cultural experiences based on the rich design and innovation history of Albertopolis using the tools for augmentation created by PLUGGY.
Imperial College London and RCA are both located on land gifted to the UK from profits made from the groundbreaking Great Exhibition of 1851. This event was a significant landmark in the history of design. Read More

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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