
During the final event, on the 1st floor of INNOVATHENS powered by SAMSUNG, an exhibition was available to visitors showing the main results of PLUGGY, as also exhibits from the invited speakers.

Exhibition Plan on the 1st floor of INNOVATHENS powered by SAMSUNG

  1. EMOTIVE authoring tools and experiences
  2. Cultural gems
  3. PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Environment Museum of Stymphalia”
  4. PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Open-air Water-Power Museum” in Dimitsana
  5. PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Silversmithing Museum” in Ioannina
  6. PLUGGY @ East Slovakian Museum in Košice
  7. Collaborative Games Authoring Tool and app
  8. 3D Audio Authoring Tool and app
  9. Geolocation Authoring Tool and app
  10. Augmented Reality Authoring Tool and app
  11. Social Platform and PLUGGY’s generic Curatorial Tool
  12. Vakalo video
3D Audio Authoring Tool and app - “3D Sonic App” consists of the various applications (using the marketable name “the PlugSonic suite”) that were created to import, edit, process, manage and create audio content within the PLUGGY Social Platform and Curatorial Tools. The PlugSonic suite includes the following applications: PlugSonic Sample – to edit and process individual audio samples within a web-based platform PlugSonic Soundscape – to… Read More
Augmented Reality Authoring Tool and app - PLUGGY's Augmented Reality app is launched with the marketable name "the PLUGGY3D suite" The PLUGGY3D suite includes the following applications: PLUGGY3D Create – to edit and process 3d object files within a web-based platform PLUGGY3D Curate – to create AR and VR exhibitions within a web-based platform PLUGGY3D Experience Web – to experience the exhibitions in a web-based application integrated… Read More
Collaboration with Vakalo College - This artwork is inspired by PLUGGY (https://www.pluggy-project.eu) and embraces its vision as perceived, expressed and explored by the art students of Vakalo Art and Design College based in Athens, Greece. It also reflects one of the main objectives of the project to reach students communities and actively involve them in various phases of its developments, bearing in mind the importance… Read More
Collaborative Games Authoring Tool and app - “Games Hunter”, the marketable name for PLUGGY's Collaborative Game app, which was developed within the PLUGGY project. The novelty of this application is the authoring app, which aims to develop collaborative games without previous programming knowledge, providing basic blocks such as rules, routes, packages to create easy-to-use games where end-users are engaged into cultural activities through challenges, trials and other… Read More
Cultural gems - Culture in a city is not only represented by museums, cinemas, theatres art galleries and other institutional places. Culture is heritage, with memorials, historic and religious sites, but it is also very much alive, with informal cultural spaces, meeting places where artistic creation happens and places where music is played. Cultural gems is a free open source web app, conceived… Read More
EMOTIVE authoring tools and experiences - The EMOTIVE project explored new ways to use digital technologies in heritage sites to help visitors connect the past with the present and develop empathy and perspcetive taking. The EMOTIVE research focused on digital storytelling and facilitated dialogue as tools to promote social interaction and self-reflection, and create a deeper and more meaningful engagement with the past. In the exhibition… Read More
Geolocation Authoring Tool and app - PLUGGY Pins is the marketable name of PLUGGY's Geolocation app and consists of two main tools. The first one, PLUGGY Pins Create, allows the creation of cultural geolocation tours in a user friendly environment. It allows users to choose the location of interest, provide a description and add assets like audio and pictures that are culturally connected to this location.… Read More
PLUGGY @ East Slovakian Museum in Kosice - During summer 2019, visitors of the East Slovakian Museum, Kosice, Slovakia, had the opportunity to experience Games’ Hunter playing two different games: a) Centuries in Art Exposition, a treasure hunt within an art exhibition and b) Natural Exposition, a tresure hunt within the exposition of natural history. Read More
PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Environment Museum of Stymphalia” - During summer 2019, visitors of the “Environment Museum of Stymphalia” of PIOP in Stymphalia, Greece, had the opportunity to experience Games’ Hunter and PLUGGY Pins applications through original cultural heritage stories that were especially designed for PLUGGGY. During the exhibition at PLUGGY’s final event in Athens, participants will be able to have a relevant experience and visit the Museum in… Read More
PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Open-air Water-Power Museum” in Dimitsana - During summer 2019, visitors of the “Open-air Water-Power Museum” of PIOP in Dimitsana, Greece, had the opportunity to experience Games’ Hunter, PLUGGY Pins and Plugsonic applications through original cultural heritage stories that were especially designed for PLUGGGY. During the exhibition at PLUGGY’s final event in Athens, participants will be able to have a relevant experience and visit the Museum in… Read More
PLUGGY @ PIOP’s “Silversmithing Museum” in Ioannina - During summer 2019, visitors of the “Silversmithing Museum” of PIOP in Ioannina, Greece, had the opportunity to experience Games’ Hunter and PLUGGY’s AR applications through original cultural heritage stories that were especially designed for PLUGGGY. During the exhibition at PLUGGY’s final event in Athens, participants will be able to have a relevant experience and visit the Museum in a virtual,… Read More
PLUGGY’s Curatorial Tool - PLUGGY’s social platform users are able to use its online web-based platform to combine bits and pieces from different digital content into one comprehensive meaningful story. The story then resides within the platform as a Virtual Exhibition, accessible by any user and application of the platform. The main tool for authoring these stories is the curatorial tool, where the users… Read More
PLUGGY’s Social Platform - PLUGGY designed and implemented an innovative Social Platform, providing functionality similar to popular social media platforms, adjusted to a heritage-centric point of view, web-based, easy to access and easy to contribute to. PLUGGY’s social platform users are able to use its online web based platform to combine bits and pieces from different digital content into one comprehensive meaningful story. The… Read More

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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