PLUGGY @ Fair of Innovators in Cultural Heritage 2018

PLUGGY participated at the Fair of Innovators in Cultural Heritage which was held on 15th -16th November 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The event was a wonderful occasion to see how the EU is promoting research & innovation in cultural heritage, fostering creativity and new connections across countries. Researchers, innovation providers, policy makers, representatives from cultural institutions, start-ups and incubators, business companies, creatives, pioneers from technology and economics, European institutions representatives were some of the people who took part in the event.
Nikos Frangakis, PLUGGY’s Project manager, from ICCS presented the project during the breakout session “Digital Innovations for experiencing and co-creating cultural heritage” and had interesting interactions with many other EU projects related to cultural heritage.

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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