PLUGGY at REACH Opening Conference in Budapest

PLUGGY’s partner TUK, the Technical University of Košice, attended the Opening Conference of EU project REACH, presenting a poster about PLUGGY and sharing experience at a networking session that gathered experts from the international cultural heritage field.

REACH Opening Conference took place in Budapest, on 10-11 May 2018, hosted at the Hungarian National Museum. The event was organised under the coordination of Eötvös Loránd University.

The conference:

  • announced the start of the new REACH social platform,
  • presented its research themes and their theoretical framework,
  • illustrated the mechanisms of participation,
  • and gathered requirements, needs, and expectations from the users.

Successful examples of participatory processes coming from other initiatives, in the world, were presented and discussed, with contributions from keynote speakers.

Contribution by EC representatives was delivered with information about the progresses and new topics of the future FP9 Programme.

Parallel to the conference, a Europeana Collection Day was organized in collaboration with the Europeana Migration project.

You can download here the Conference booklet, and visit the digital gallery here.

REACH is a three-year project designed to establish a sustainable space for meeting, discussion and collaboration by a wide-ranging network of Cultural Heritage professionals, academic experts, arts practitioners, professionals in archives and galleries, educators, tourism development bodies, creative industries, policy-makers, associations and interest groups representative of non-professionals and local societies – all those with a stake in the field of culture and Cultural Heritage.

For more info, check project’s dedicated website:

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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