DEN-CuPID is a Strategic Partnership (SP) between SMEs, academic institutions and local authorities’ associations, which aims primarily at improving transversal competencies, such as lateral thinking, and entrepreneurial competencies, such as the ability to manage projects,  while enhancing knowledge in the field of cultural management. It envisages the optimization of local capacities in designing and implementing projects based on the local cultural endowment, as well as the ability to involve financial and innovative funding tools, for the accomplishment of these projects.

The SP will design and develop high quality and innovative tools and training courses for coaching municipalities’ employees and local and civil society actors involved or interested in cultural management projects and ventures. In this way, we aim to:


  • Offer a comprehensive course on cultural/heritage values and methodologies for effective management.
  • Familiarize the participants with financial instruments and funding opportunities.

Fostering new ideas

  • Support local actors in establishing cultural management as a tool for sustainable development.
  • Stimulate entrepreneurial, creative and innovation skills, and the capacity to conceptualize and implement original projects and sustainable business plans.


  • Encourage partnership and collaborative development between local authorities, local communities, and research/educational institutions.
  • Offer the opportunity of international networking and exchange of good practices.

An important aspect of the project is the overall assessment of needs in the field of cultural/heritage management across Europe. For the fulfillment of these needs the project aims at enhancing technical knowledge, managerial skills, lateral thinking, modular design of projects and finally even proposals for legislative measures.


Project website:

Leaflet: DEN-CUPID



We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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