Posts Tagged "PostCulturalHeritage"

7th PLUGGY Plenary Meeting

Pluggy plenary meeting took place on 9-10 April 2019 in Malaga, Spain. Not only interesting presentations about each WP separately but also presentations of the updated Pluggy platform and parallel workshops in which the partners explained to externals, invited to experience Pluggy, how to actually use all the PLUGGY apps! Moreover, in the afternoon the partners divided in groups, competed during the Malaga Challenge in which they had to find the artworks of the artist Invader which were hidden in Malaga streets. Read More

PLUGGY @ E&PDE18 (International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education)

In conjunction with the international Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, and the EU PLUGGY project, Imperial College and Royal College of Art hosted a free co-design workshop entitled ‘Co-creating augmented cultural experiences in Albertopolis’ on 5th of September 2018 for participants to co-create cultural experiences based on the rich design and innovation history of Albertopolis using the tools for augmentation created by PLUGGY. It was an afternoon of hands on cultural exploration and content creation. Read More

#PostCulturalHeritage – PLUGGY’s New Social Media Campaign

PLUGGY intends to be a contemporary and accessible tool that supports citizens in their need and aspiration to shape cultural heritage and be shaped by it, allowing for the creation of stronger heritage communities. One of the main initiatives and objectives of PLUGGY is to enable and motivate each person and/or community to document and share their individual interpretation of local knowledge and cultural experiences with the society.
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We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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