Posts Tagged "digital"

PLUGGY @ AES Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio Conference

Pluggy participated in the AES Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio that was held in York, UK on 27-29th March 2019. A PLUGGY paper entitled ‘The 3D Tune-In Toolkit VST Binaural Audio Plugin’ was presented by our partners ICL & UMA on 28th March with a lot of excitement for the PlugSonic Soundscape app by the participants. Read More

‘Tools and ideas to attract visitors to your museum’ workshop

PLUGGY’s partners Xteam and Vianet organised a workshop entitled ‘’ Tools and ideas to attract visitors to your museum’’ on 5th February 2019 in Rome, Italy. The workshop, in which PLUGGY and the collaborative game applications were presented, attracted about 40 experts and curators from the museum and cultural sector. Read More

Culture is Digital: a UK report on Culture and Digital Technology

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has released the report “Culture is Digital”. Although the report is focusing on the United Kingdom it offers an interesting mapping of culture and digital technology for all regions.
The report focuses on the use of digital technology to drive the cultural sector’s global status and the engagement, diversity and well-being of audiences in the United Kingdom. Read More

How new technologies are completely revolutionizing the consumption of art

“The best use of digital is to not make you aware of the technology, but to make you aware of the art,” said Jane Alexander, chief information officer at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Museums are looking at the best attendance they’ve ever had, thanks to the way technology is revolutionizing the consumption of art. Read More

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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