Category Archive for "events"

PLUGGY & Vakalo College Exhibition

A very interesting art exhibition took place on 18-20 December 2018 along with PLUGGY’s plenary meeting in Athens, Greece. Graduate students from Vakalo Art & Design College got inspired by PLUGGY and created an exhibition with videos and AR posters. The visitors of the exhibition had also the chance to use and experience PLUGGY social platform. Read More

PLUGGY 6th Plenary meeting

The 6th PLUGGY plenary meeting was held on 18-20 December 2018 in Athens, Greece. PLUGGY’s partners gathered to discuss the project’s progress and discuss their future steps.
During the 1st day, the presentations and discussions focused on the progress made during the last months as well as on the actual hands-on experience of the apps. Read More

PLUGGY Social Platform is out!

We are proud to announce that our social platform is out and ready to receive your stories related to culture! Share the stories that inspire you with the whole Europe! Be part of the European cultural heritage! Visit PLUGGY now! Read More

PLUGGY is inviting you all!

PLUGGY’s 6thPlenary Meeting will be held on 18th-20th December 2018 in Athens, Greece. On this occasion, an exhibition with videos and AR posters, which are inspired by PLUGGY, created by VakaloArt & Design College will be held at “The box”. The exhibition will be open for everyone to visit! PLUGGY’s partners will be also there to inform you about PLUGGY and help you use its tools. Don’t miss the chance to live the PLUGGY experience by using its innovative tools and share your own story related to cultural heritage! Read More

Slovakian Cultural Institutions met PLUGGY

On 10thDecember 2018 PLUGGY’s partner East Slovakian Museum (ESM) presented the project to about 20 representatives from museums, galleries and cultural institutionsin East Slovakia in a dedicated workshop. The presentation entitled “Let’s meet PLUGGY” was very interesting and the participants got informed about PLUGGY Read More

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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