D7.4 Report on “App challenge”

In order to promote the use of PLUGGY and demonstrate its pluggable nature, the consortium organised an open competition (app challenge), where external organisations and individuals were invited to resent ideas for the exploitation of the PLUGGY Social Platform and Curatorial Tool.

The submitted applications were evaluated based on the following high-level criteria:
(a) idea with the best commercial potential. This category aimed at involving companies.
(b) idea with the best education potential. This category aimed at engaging educators and teachers in exploring how PLUGGY can be used as part of educational courses, workshops
and modules.
(c) idea with the biggest social and cultural impact. This category aimed at demonstrating the societal potential of PLUGGY.

As also the following:
(d) user experience.
(e) creativity and innovation

Twelve applications were submitted in paper, out of those only six were selected by a committee. Five applications have been submitted and out of those four were positively evaluated.

The funded applications include:
• SharedHeritage, raising awareness of our European shared cultural heritage through the user’s discovery and engagement with common memories and traditions, common history, etc.
• Top6, aggregating the top 6 interesting things to do in an area.
• Art Battle, an online real time quiz battle for the users of the PLUGGY platform.
• TimelineVR, a VR experience for the timeline stories in PLUGGY.

Download it!

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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