D5.4 Geolocation Stories

Deliverable D5.4 “Geolocation Stories” is of type DEM and presents shortly the tours that have been created to showcase the experience provided through PLUGGY geolocation web app that is integrated in PLUGGY social platform. Twelve tours have been created containing several of stories and each story is connected to a geolocation pin on the map.

A short list and the corresponding address of each one of the uploaded tours could be found below:

1. Papadiamantis in Athens – 12 stories, Athens, Greece

2. The legends of the marathon – 5 stories, Marathon, Greece

3. Industrial Gas Museum – 24 stories, Athens, Greece

4. The Parthenon – 5 stories, Athens, Greece

5. Invisible Routes – 27 stories, Athens, Greece

6. Wine in ancient Greece – 10 stories, Europe (Museum of Fine Arts, Hungary | Bavarian State Library, Germany | National Museum Netherlands | Nottingham City Museums and Galleries, United Kingdom | Stichting Academisch Erfgoed, Netherlands)

7. Kazantzakis and the real Zorbas in Mani – 12 stories, Stoupa, Mani, Greece

8. Preveza: The Continental Island – 20 stories, Preveza, Greece
D5.4 – Geolocation Stories Dissemination Level: PU PLUGGY / GA# 726765 Plug into Cultural Heritage 6

9. The Pipe District – 10 stories, Amsterdam, Netherland

10. Urban Piraeus in the early 20th century – 10 stories, Piraeus, Greece

11. Karpathos – 5 stories, Karpathos, Greece

12. The Casanova in Venice – 10 stories, Venice, Italy

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We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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