D5.3 Collaborative Games

Deliverable D5.3 “Collaborative Games” describes the mobile games that were created to showcase the capabilities of the collaborative gamification app (GameHunter) of PLUGGY’s suit of applications. At the time of delivery, the following three collaborative games have been created.

• Exhibition Centuries in Art
• Exhibition Carpathian Nature
• History of ESM by an architecture

The games were tested and evaluated during the summer pilots (August – September
2019) in East Slovakian Museum.

The GameHunter app along with the respective created games can be found in Google
Store and App Store.

The app consists of two modes:

1. The Game Creation Tool (For Advanced Users), which is part of the mobile app but also integrated into PLUGGY’s Social Platform and is a part of the platform’s Curatorial Tool. It was developed to facilitate the creation of collaborative games content.

2. The Game Mode (Museum Game or City Tour Game), which is a Collaborative game. It was developed to enhance on-line and/or on-site visits to museums, monuments, archaeological sites, share tangible and intangible cultural heritage and raise motivation and experience through gamification aspects.

Three games have been created to showcase the collaborative gamification application (GameHunter). These games are created by East Slovakian Museum team. The games are developed for an age group from kids from the age of 6 to adulthood and are intended for the visitors to walk around the exhibitions, explore the artifacts of the museum and identify the different buildings of the city, that have formed a part of the East Slovakian Museum in the past, or present. They are:
– Exhibition Centuries in Art: This game is a Museum Game dedicated to European History of Art.
– Exhibition Carpathian Nature: This game is a Museum Game focused on the nature of the Carpathian region. It is distributed through three floors and it is mostly divided chronologically.
– History of ESM by an architecture: This game is City Tour Game pointing to different buildings around the city related to East Slovakian Museum.

Download it!

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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