D5.1 Digital Libraries Presentation

D5.1 showcases the functionality of PLUGGY’s Curatorial Tool to link artefacts and selected collections from external digital libraries with PLUGGY’s Social Platform and Curatorial Tool and present them in the form of virtual exhibitions. The purpose of this functionality is to provide end users of the Social Platform with a simple tool to link artefacts from variouslibraries in comprehensive stories that will enhance the storytelling ability of the individual or professional users’ collections (both physical and digital).

The following stories that were created are stored in the Social Platform and are available to all end users. They comprise of 2 timeline stories and 3 blog stories, thus showcasing the variety of tools provided to the end users of PLUGGY to enhance their storytelling abilities:

• Leo Fender, the father of electric guitar and bass
• The Greek Revolution
• Art nouveau posters
• Calligraphy manuscripts
• Industrial production of olive oil

The stories can be found online in PLUGGY’s Social Platform at the following addresses:

Leo Fender, the father of electric guitar and bass

The Greek Revolution

Art nouveau posters

Calligraphy manuscripts

Industrial production of olive oil

Download it!

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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