Giannis Karaseitanidis

Dr. Giannis Karaseitanidis is a senior researcher in the Microwaves and Fibre Optics Laboratory at ICCS. He has obtained his BSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) on 2000. His PhD (NTUA, 2006) examined interaction techniques within VEs with emphasis on tracking systems and interaction devices. His research interests are in the field of human computer interaction with emphasis on presence. He has served as a project co-ordinator or a technical manager in various ICT related European projects on behalf of ICCS. He has published a number of articles in scientific journals and conferences while he has acted as a reviewer in several journals and conferences. From 2004 he has been managing the VR lab of NTUA and has been working in the fields of HCI and tracking within VEs. From 2013 he has been appointed as the Technical Manager of the I-SENSE Group.

Watch his speech.

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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