D2.5 IPR Report

D2.5 IPR Report

Deliverable D2.5 “IPR report” presents the results of an analysis of various licenses that can be used within PLUGGY both in relation to (1) the software platforms and applications that will be deployed and released and (2) the data that will be gathered from existing archives and/or archived and curated by the PLUGGY users.

This deliverable describes a strategy that takes into consideration both the open source approach adopted by the consortium and the possibility for any external organization or developer to create non-commercial and/or commercial applications by retaining (in whole or in part) their copyright in the creative works and information embodied into their derivative applications.

The deliverable identifies as suitable open source licenses for the PLUGGY software applications and components both GPL v3 (for the PLUGGY website, the augmented reality app, the sonic app and the gamification app) and MIT (for the PLUGGY backend components and the geolocation app).

As for the IPR strategy more strictly connected to content and depending on the conditions of use of the original materials, the PLUGGY platform users should be able to opt for either a customized commercial licence or for the Creative Commons BY. This license allows for the broadest forms of re-use of existing works and materials created by users while respecting the right to paternity of the original author(s).

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We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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