REACH: A social platform for participatory approaches and social innovation in culture

REACH is a three-year project designed to establish a sustainable space for meeting, discussion and collaboration by a wide-ranging network of Cultural Heritage professionals, academic experts, arts practitioners, professionals in archives and galleries, educators, tourism development bodies, creative industries, policy-makers, associations and interest groups representative of non-professionals and local societies – all those with a stake in the field of culture and Cultural Heritage.

Scope of the REACH social platform

REACH social platform’s activities will have a twofold scope:

  • Support: to map and provide analysis of research results achieved in previous programmes, to identify current and emerging research trends, and to offer authoritative new knowledge of the CH field to researchers, experts, the European Commission and policy makers
  • Coordination: to offer benefits to its participants, expanding knowledge of complementary research domains, and of new research methodologies, generating opportunities for cooperation, offering pathways to wider user engagement with research outputs


Project coordinator: Neil Forbes,

Network coordinator: Antonella Fresa,



For more information, have a look at project’s Website: and project’s Brochure.


We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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