Technical University of Kosice (TUK) –

The Technical University of Kosice is a public university established in 1952 by the Slovak government. Currently It has nine faculties and about 15,000 students, providing education (on Bc, MSc and PhD level) and doing research in a wide range of technical and non-technical fields. Staff of two faculties – the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, will be involved in the project. Members of the project team have extensive experience in FP projects, participating so far in about 20 FP projects in the area of knowledge management (FP4-KnowWeb, ENRICH), eHealth (eTEN-I2Health) e-government (FP5-Webocracy, FP7-SAKE, FP7-Access-eGov,FP7-OCOPOMO, FP7-eGovPoliNet), embedded systems (FP6-HYDRA), networked enterprises (FP7-SPIKE), energy efficient buildings (FP7-Adapt4EE), smart grid (FP7-INERTIA), Internet of Things (FP7-ebbits), smart city (FP7-Urnan Sensing) etc. Its responsibility in majority of these projects was mainly development of semantic technology-based SW solutions. The main expertise of TUK team is in artificial intelligence (machine learning, heuristic search, planning, neural networks, data and text mining etc.), knowledge modelling (mainly ontology-based), and semantic technologies with applications in various domains (eGovernment, eHealth, eBusiness etc.).

We are happy to announce that PLUGGY’s Final Event is approaching and will be held on 20th November 2019 in Athens, Greece!

Registration is free, but availability is limited. Grab your seat here.
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